Open Source License Rulebook and Reference Guide

Open Source License Rulebook and Reference Guide

Adoption and usage of open source components is growing by the day posing intellectual property, legal, and security risks. Some open source components use licenses that could expose your organization to significant legal risk and the language in open source licenses can be complex and often confusing.

This Open Source License Rulebook is a useful reference guide that lists popular open source component licenses that are detected by CAST Highlight, a software intelligence product for performing automated Software Composition Analysis, along with a summary of the legal constraints of each license. Download this reference guide and keep it handy to learn about:

  • A summary of the legal constraints of each open source license:
    • What the license allows
    • What the license does not allow
    • What users of the component must do
    • What additional properties exist in the license (if any)
  • Links to online references of the license

Commercial enterprises, government organizations, and top advisory firms use CAST Highlight open source risk insights to:

  • Reduce open source licensing risk
  • Increase open source software compliance
  • Implement stronger open source governance and control
  • Perform smarter technology due diligence