SPARK Matrix™ Research on Software Composition Analysis by QKS Group

Research Report

SPARK Matrix™ Research on Software Composition Analysis by QKS Group

This research report includes a detailed analysis of global Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solution market dynamics, major trends, vendor landscape, and competitive positioning analysis. The study provides a competitive analysis and ranking of the leading SCA vendors in the form of a SPARK Matrix™ covering key capabilities for controlling open source risk including: open source security vulnerability detection, open source licensing management, and Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generation. This research provides strategic information for organizations to evaluate different vendor capabilities, competitive differentiation, and market positions.

Download this free research report to learn about:

  • Key capabilities necessary to achieve effective software composition analysis such as vulnerability scanning, open source software license management, and software bill of materials (SBOM) generation.
  • A comparison of key SCA vendor products in the market such as CAST Highlight, Synopsys Back Duck, Mend, Snyk, and more.
  • SBOM standards such as CycloneDX.
  • The key use cases for software composition analysis such as: open source risk management, open source security, open source software compliance, open source software license management, and technical due diligence.
About QKS Group

QKS Group is a global advisory and consulting firm focused on helping clients achieve business transformation goals with Strategic Business and Growth advisory services. At QKS Group, our vision is to become an integral part of our client’s business as a strategic knowledge partner. Our research and consulting deliverables are designed to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights for helping clients formulate growth strategies to survive and thrive in ever-changing business environments.