Case Study

Capgemini boosts ADM productivity and responsiveness to software change requests


Capgemini is a $20B+ top tier IT services partner to companies around the world, from strategy and design to managing operations, including cloud, data, AI, software, digital, business platforms.

10%+ higher

productivity gains in maintenance activities


knowledge transfer times and responsiveness to change request

“CAST had positive impact on the responsiveness and efficiency of corrective maintenance, which represents 2/3 of the software teams’ activities.”

François Phulpin

Chief Operating Officer
Capgemini France

CAST Imaging with Structural Risk Extension was rolled out across delivery centers, helping boost knowledge transfer, responsiveness to change requests, and ADM productivity.


Capgemini observed that the larger part of IT investments tends to focus on rationalizing and extending the value of IT assets vs new projects.

To that effect, it was looking to help clients get the most out of their existing software assets and industrialize the Application Development and Maintenance (ADM) process around:

  • Transfer of knowledge
  • Effectiveness of delivery
  • Speed of handling of change requests
  • Control of complexity

The applications maintained by Capgemini were using a very wide mix of technologies.


Capgemini equipped its ADM teams with CAST Imaging and its Structural Risk Extension, after demonstrating their effectiveness in several realworld implementations running on different technology stacks.

These pilot implementations enabled Capgemini to benchmark existing practices versus the software intelligence automatically generated by CAST and then measure the resulting productivity gains.

The positive internal word-of-mouth feedback led to a decision to roll out CAST across the entire delivery center for the Paris region.

That was followed by rollout of CAST across other delivery centers in multiple geographies.


The detailed measures of several productivity ratios during the pilot showed tangible productivity gains in maintenance activities, consistently well above 10%, a very compelling ROI for maintenance activities.

In addition to evolutive maintenance tasks, CAST had a positive impact on all other aspects of maintenance, including very significant boost in responsiveness and productivity for corrective maintenance tasks, which account for 2/3 of ADM activities in many of the delivery centers.

Also compelling was CAST’s contribution to address improving knowledge transfer times and the ability to make change proposals based on clear facts.